Monday, December 14, 2009

More Safe Blogging!

Avoid in person meetings - Don't get together with someone you "meet" in a profile or blog unless you are certain of their actual identity. Talk it over with an adult first. Although it's still not risk-free, arrange any meetings in a public place and bring along some friends, your parents or a trusted adult.

Think before you post - What's uploaded to the Net can be downloaded by anyone and passed around or posted online pretty much forever. Avoid posting photos that allow people to identify you, especially sexually suggestive images.

Check comments regularly - Don't respond to mean or embarrassing comments. Save them to show to an adult for your safety.

Be honest about your age - Membership rules are there to protect people. If you are too young to sign up, don't lie about your age.

For additional information on this topic: Visit

Visit your local library.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Putting everything together

Today we are really wrapping up alot of projects and putting them all together for others to view. While this is my blog, there is also:

PBWorks (Wiki)

Facebook - Victoria Manville

Twitter -

Delicious -

Ning -

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Safe Blogging - Tips for Teens

Tips from the Illinois Library Association

Be anonymous. Avoid postings that could help a stranger locate you. This includes your last name, address, phone numbers, sports teams, the town you live in, and where you hang out.

Protect Your info! Check to see if your service has a "friends" list that allows you to decide who can visit your profile or blog. If so, allow only people you know and trust.

More tomorrow!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Visit My Ning Network! Teaching with Technology

Hi there, we are moving right along with this class, EDU 651
Created a Ning Network this past week, and it is really a neat tool. When you have a chance, drop in and join, there will be technology tips and projects coming soon!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Working on Connecting

Working on the Ning network, what a great connection tool! As soon as I introduced myself on the Educating with Technology network, others emailed me (through the site) with other networks I might be interested in that would fit my goals and education. You can find them in the other groups or networks I am in I believe.
Also trying to get the hang of twittering, less self conscious now, how about you?

Also reading the article we have assigned for this week, Minds on Fire. Oddly enough, I had to print it out to read it, I don't enjoy reading quite that much online.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sunday night

Ah, so here it is Sunday night after Thanksgiving. Although I love the long weekends with friends and family, it is nice to be going back to a normal schedule!

This week we worked on Facebook discussions, regarding privacy issues and posting, as well as what applications we use on Facebook. I've used FB for about one year now and have always tried to be careful about my postings and keep everything private, but this has made it all the more clear to me why we need to stay alert when posting anything anywhere. As an educator our responsibility it higher than the normal person on Facebook.

Going to work more on my Ning site now, interesting stuff!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Follow cwgrlvic on Twitter

Learning for the first two weeks

Wow, so much technology and cool stuff to learn! Jing was difficult for me, I am not sure why, but I finally got my introduction posted using this tool. I really want to go back and work some more with it to see what I can do.
The first week we also did a SWOT analysis of the 2009 Horizon Report, as well as a Web quest. Loved reading what everyone found helpful on the Webquest too.

This second week we are creating a Wiki, a Twitter account and a Blog. Very interesting to read what wiki projects my classmates are creating, as well as working on my own. It is really too bad I have to work, I'd love to spend all day on this stuff!

I am a little shy about Tweeting, hard to imagine anyone wants to hear my thoughts all day long, (of course I work with middle schoolers and have a ten year old, so I know they don't!)

Have a good one all,

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Twitter Account

Here is the link to my Twitter - https://twitter.cwgrlvic

The Lightning Thief

Before we are barely over the opening of the Twilight: New Moon, we are seeing trailers for The Lightning Thief! Okay, a little different crowd, but still.
Here is one of the best trailers I've seen so far: Click here

Friday, November 20, 2009

Forgot to Mention!

Here is the link to my new PBworks wiki .... join in if you like!

Collaboration and Learning in a Virtual Environment

Week Two of this class and so far I am enjoying it and experiencing alot of new technology. I will keep you up to date on what I have learned as well as any new and fun tech stuff you can try. I will try to keep up to date on the books to read as well!
Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Swallowing Stones

This is a very good book about accidental happenings that can change your life in a second. 17 yr old Michael has everything going for him, when on the 4th of July, he fires a shot that changes his life. This story of accidental crime is moving and unforgettable. Check your local library or bookstore, for Swallowing Stones, by Joyce McDonald.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Vampire Readings

Starting Book 1 of The Vampire Diaries, I just can't hold off any longer. Something about living forever, all that sadness and desire and angst.... think Frank Langella in Dracula, Tom Cruise in Interview with the Vampire or David Boreanaz as Angel from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. And for you guys, no one was better than Catherine Deneuve in 1983's The Hunger (IMHO).

For more info on the Vampire Diaries series, check out the official website at

Favorite Books Today

The Thirteenth Tale
If you read just one mystery novel this season -- or this year -- make it "The Thirteenth Tale" by Diane Setterfield. This rich, multi-layered Gothic tale, in the tradition of Daphne DuMaurier and the Bronte sisters, grabs the reader from the first pages and doesn't let go.Read more:

Great read, could not put it down!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Blogging in the Library

This is my first attempt at blogging. I am a graduate student at Ashford University, as well as a future librarian. Blogging, reading and writing all connect in my mind with my library.
But what about learning and teaching technology through a blog? Is it possible? Reasonable? Expected? With a little more research we shall see!